Welcome to the Science in Design Summit!

SIX hours of how science is changing the value and dimension of the design industry.
Here’s a rundown of the six seminars:

Price: $75

(1) The Convergence of Science and Design: Welcome to Neuroaesthetics!

Do we build and design houses…or habitats? Learn how cutting edge research reveals how aesthetic experiences are a requirement, an “evolutionary imperative”, and essential to our health. 

This exclusive interview, with two of the foremost thinkers in science and design , will change the way you look at design and architecture. Neuroaesthetics as a design discipline has arrived!

Susan Magsamen, Executive Director, International Arts+ Mind lab, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Suchi Reddy, President, Reddymade Architecture and Design

(2) How a Classic Pattern Aligns with Beauty to Improve Our Health and Well-Being

Don Ruggles suggests that a new, urgent effort is needed to refocus the direction of architecture, design and art to include the quality of beauty as  fundamental to the built and artistic environments.

CEO, Ruggles Mabe Studio

(3) Wellness in the home- a technology insight

This exciting seminar will bridge the gap between technology and design and show how technology provides improved health while illuninating your designs. Technology to enhance wellness in the home – with proven scientific underpinnings.

Michelle Guss, Director, Business Development at Crestron Electronics

(4) Biophilia: The Human NEED for Nature

This course examines the multiple studies done by the Rusk Institute, Johns Hopkins University and multiple authorities that document the health benefits of nature and biophilic design. Importantly, the course discusses the application of biophilic design in residential and commercial environments.

Mike Peterson, President, Visionary Design Marketing

(5) The Impact of Color on our Wellbeing

Color affects our health and wellbeing through the impact of hues, shades, combinations and metamerisms. We use color to redefine how we design; to harness the power of nature, and to promote physical and emotional wellbeing.

Shane Jones and Sabina Jahic, Design Account Executive, Sherwin Williams

(6) Design Harmony: The Science in Design

Design Harmony studies the fundamental need we have as humans for beauty and aesthetics. Sources for the discussion include Johns Hopkins University, University of Waterloo, Hotchkiss Brain Institute and multiple medical industry sources that support the claim that beauty and design improve health.

Mike Peterson, President, Visionary Design Marketing


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