March 2021

Success is measured differently for each of us. It’s a personal and emotional reward when a client is satisfied. We revel in the the gratification of achieving personal excellence, an increase in confidence or making more money.

Realizing your personal brand helps you experience all of these successes.

In our two previous articles on brand personality, we discussed the importance of finding your brand within you. We demonstrated ways to market your brand through websites, social media, digital
and cutting-edge strategies. In this third article, we will discuss the tools, decisions and strategies necessary to complete your business transformation.

Let’s look at three results generated by this brand identification process:   

By Mike Peterson,
Founder of Visionary Design Marketing
To learn more, go to: VisionaryDM.com


Interested in learning more about
Design Harmony?

Check out these books or find links to articles and research papers on our website, wf-vision.com.

  • “Beauty, Neuroscience, and Architecture: Timeless Patterns and Their Impact on Our Well-Being”
    by Donald H. Ruggles
  • “Natural by Design: People, Natural Process, and Ecological Restoration”
    by Eric Higgs

Courses on
Design Harmony

To learn more about the Design Harmony CEU course offered by Visionary Design Marketing, click the button below.